Presentations are compulsory for bilinguals as part of their oral exam so every term they are given a subject to talk about for 20 minutes more or less.
With my third bilingual we divided the three terms
working on this ítems:
-First term: general subjects such as most important
cities in the world, the European Parlament, NASA and space, USA throughout
history, European economy…
-Second term: we conmmemorated the holocoust so we
divided the groups into two subjects: concentration camps, Hitler´s biography
and allied countries in WWII.
And the other part of the class focused their
PowerPoints on nutrition: food pyramid. Healthy lifestyle, allergies, skin
Finally in the third term we joined literature and
films: Romeo and Juliet compared to West Side Story
Poe compared to Corman with films like the pit and the
pendulum, the Little shop of horrors, tomb of Ligeia…
And freudian traumas analysing Hitcock´s films, for
examples Psyco and Rebecca
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